Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October Production Update

Lots of good stuff going on at Elsinore Productions these days! With several books, an online/television series, and a feature film in the works, we are quite busy and working our collective arses off. That said, here is an update and news about what's happening...

Cinematic Game Secrets

Well, the time has finally come for my first book from Focal Press to hit the shelves. The official street date is Oct 24, but don't let that stop you from getting your copy now! There is a link on this page that will allow you to pre-order the book from at a discount price. With interviews from game greats like Will Wright, Richard Rouse III, and Noah Falstein and film luminaries like Jay Duplass (The Puffy Chair and Baghead), Bob Sabiston (Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly), and Austin casting legend Donise Hardy, you are bound to learn a lot about the current convergence of the film and game industries. Pick up a copy today!

Paranormal Inc

Well, we are wrapping up the investigation portion of our first season of Paranormal Inc and have started with the production footage. With haunted locations that include the Eldred House, Devil's Backbone, the National Ornamental Metal Museum, Bethel Cumberland Cemetery, and many more, the series is sure to satisfy your paranormal needs. Check out the official webpage of Paranormal Inc (just click on the banner to the right) to hear EVPs captured, video, and eerie photographs. We'll keep you informed when the show hits the air!

Ghosts of War

The feature documentary Ghosts of War, about haunted Civil War sights in the Midwest and Mid-South, is now fully underway. After securing our locations we have just shot out first sequences at the famous Woodruff Fontaine house in Memphis, Tennessee. Known for visiting war generals like the infamous Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Woodruff Fontaine house is now a haunted museum and tribute to the life in the 1800's. Visit the Elsinore Productions homepage often to get more updates concerning Ghosts of War, as well as the release date as it grows nearer.

Haunted Memphis

As a sort of companion piece for the documentary, I am currently writing a book titled Haunted Memphis that I hope to have out this spring. The book contains listings for over thirty haunted locations in the city and area surrounding Memphis, Tennessee. Information about the book, as well as the publishing date, will be released on this site as it occurs.

Also stay tune for possible events in the future, such as book signings, haunted trips and tours, as well as screenings. We are in development now for our next Focal Press book about guerilla film production, an online series called the Redbird Report, and are still plugging away at the graphic novel Far West and feature narrative, Shimmer. Good stuff, good stuff...

Posted by: Rich Newman
Contact Rich at

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Documentary Under Way

What started out as a general ghost/spirit documentary has now evolved to a more precise concept: Ghosts of War. The film will focus on the ghosts and hauntings of historic Civil War homes, areas, and battle fields in Tennessee and Mississippi. With the concept now finished--and the list of locations complete--we will begin formally shooting footage in September and October.

With footage being shot at Vicksburg, Shiloh, Corinth, Memphis, Nashville, Murfreesboro, and Natchez, the documentary will focus on the ghost stories and bloody tales surrounding these areas.

The documentary will feature interviews with local Civil War historians, ghost hunters, and (of course) the owners who have lived in many of these sites for years. The movie will also feature the actual evidence collected by the paranormal group Paranormal Inc during their investigations of the locations. This evidence includes EVP's (Electronic Voice Phenomenon--recordings of spirits that the human ear cannot normally hear), photographs, video footage, and electronic data.

Ghosts of War will be a haunting film that you won't soon forget! Stay tuned to this blog for more information on the Elsinore Productions documentary, as well as the site for Paranormal Inc (

Posted by: Rich Newman

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Paranormal Inc and Shimmer

Well, the production for our online/television series Paranormal Inc. is in full swing! With one investigation under our belt and another kicking off this weekend, we are on schedule to complete our first season of the show. The intent is to use the online version to sell the network version--and so far we are, indeed, getting noticed. You can keep up with the show and the investigations on the program's website:

My first HD feature film Shimmer is also now in full swing. I have lined out the licensing for the movie's music, hired the major crew members in Memphis, and am now casting the major roles. The film will be shooting in Memphis and Austin over the late summer and early fall. We are trying to make the cutoff for the early 2009 film festivals. Don't forget that if you want to read for Shimmer, to send a current headshot to me at

As far as my graphic novel Far West goes, the script and text has been completed. I am now putting together a sample chapter for my trip to the publishers. And speaking of first book, Cinamatic Game Secrets is now completed and turned in to the publisher (Focal Press). That will be hitting the shelves in October. If you are a game developer (or a filmmaker thinking of getting into the game development arena), a student, or simply a creative director/producer who wants greater immersion in your game, pick up a copy this fall! Cheers!

Posted by Rich Newman

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Ahh...a new chapter in the history of Elsinore Productions has just begun... We are now officially located in Memphis, Tennessee and are now moving into the year's slate as we speak. Now that I have finished my book on cinematic game design for Focal Press, I have the extra time I need for pre-production. The plan is to get a new short out fairly quick to make the festival rounds: Right now I'm trying to decide between Schism, FM, or Quietus--three short scripts that have been floating around the ether for some time--then I will move on into pre-production for the feature Shimmer.

Though we have mentioned Shimmer a few times already, it was obvious after several reads that the script needed an additional element. I wrote/edited the script again and now feel that the story has been developed enough to proceed. Early reads have gotten a better reception and I'm comfortable now to at least begin casting. We found our locations quite early on and I wrote a lot of the scenes based on these locations, so it just remains to get the cast and crew up and running.

On other fronts, we have shot about sixteen hours of footage for the documentary A Ghost Inside Us and it now remains to go into a lengthy editing session...oh, boy... We have been toying with the idea of generating interest in our ghost-hunting documentary by shooting a small online series called Paranormal Inc. This will get the name out there and hopefully generate enough hits through viral marketing to create a high visibility of the film.

Lastly, we have gotten absolutely nowhere new in regards to the graphic novel Far West. Lack of publishing contacts and pitches has stalled us out. So, it looks like the graphic novel will have to wait 'til winter. Alas...

If you're interested in casting for the short or feature and are located in Austin, Memphis, or Missouri (preferably Southeast), feel free to blast us your headshot and resume to Cheers!

Posted by: Rich Newman