Lots of good stuff going on at Elsinore Productions these days! With several books, an online/television series, and a feature film in the works, we are quite busy and working our collective arses off. That said, here is an update and news about what's happening...
Cinematic Game Secrets
Well, the time has finally come for my first book from Focal Press to hit the shelves. The official street date is Oct 24, but don't let that stop you from getting your copy now! There is a link on this page that will allow you to pre-order the book from Amazon.com at a discount price. With interviews from game greats like Will Wright, Richard Rouse III, and Noah Falstein and film luminaries like Jay Duplass (The Puffy Chair and Baghead), Bob Sabiston (Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly), and Austin casting legend Donise Hardy, you are bound to learn a lot about the current convergence of the film and game industries. Pick up a copy today!
Paranormal Inc
Well, we are wrapping up the investigation portion of our first season of Paranormal Inc and have started with the production footage. With haunted locations that include the Eldred House, Devil's Backbone, the National Ornamental Metal Museum, Bethel Cumberland Cemetery, and many more, the series is sure to satisfy your paranormal needs. Check out the official webpage of Paranormal Inc (just click on the banner to the right) to hear EVPs captured, video, and eerie photographs. We'll keep you informed when the show hits the air!
Ghosts of War
The feature documentary Ghosts of War, about haunted Civil War sights in the Midwest and Mid-South, is now fully underway. After securing our locations we have just shot out first sequences at the famous Woodruff Fontaine house in Memphis, Tennessee. Known for visiting war generals like the infamous Nathan Bedford Forrest, the Woodruff Fontaine house is now a haunted museum and tribute to the life in the 1800's. Visit the Elsinore Productions homepage often to get more updates concerning Ghosts of War, as well as the release date as it grows nearer.
Haunted Memphis
As a sort of companion piece for the documentary, I am currently writing a book titled Haunted Memphis that I hope to have out this spring. The book contains listings for over thirty haunted locations in the city and area surrounding Memphis, Tennessee. Information about the book, as well as the publishing date, will be released on this site as it occurs.
Also stay tune for possible events in the future, such as book signings, haunted trips and tours, as well as screenings. We are in development now for our next Focal Press book about guerilla film production, an online series called the Redbird Report, and are still plugging away at the graphic novel Far West and feature narrative, Shimmer. Good stuff, good stuff...
Posted by: Rich Newman
Contact Rich at info@elsinoreproductions.com